While #StayAtHome during COVID-19, have you suffered from tiredness, exhaustion, lack of motivation or depression? You might have experienced a Pandemic Fatigue. Yan, who is a no stranger to this form of exhaustion, lays out 5 ways that helped him deal with that. I MISS PEOPLE. This global pandemic has been eating away all of […]
Screen time for kids is always a sensitive issue in parenting. But sometimes I think we look at it all wrong; Humanity is ever-changing, and parenting should precede our evolution. I remember sitting outside Music Class waiting for my kids on a pre-CoVID-19 weekend. I was talking to another parent and we somehow got to […]
Alex and Yan look back at the three seasons of the show. Daddy Squared: The Gay Dads Podcast first aired in September 2018. Since then we have done three seasons, a COVID-19 thirty-day challenge and a Pride 2020 episode. This extended episode gives you a taste of what the podcast is all about using clips […]
Surrogacy is an amazing option for gay men to become dads — but it’s highly expensive. Daddy Squared is checking in with the surrogacy grants available for gay men in the U.S. Shortly after we had Ben and Adam on a long, highly expensive surrogacy journey, we were surprised to receive a $10K grant from […]
As COVID-19 quarantine rules are relaxing and we’re about to go out to the world again, John Volturo, Author, Speaker, Executive Coach and dad of twin girls, shares his thoughts on how to do it wisely. Dear Dads, Guncles and others caring for our beautiful kids, We’ve been sheltering in our homes for like 100 […]
As gay parents, we educate our kids on diversity by showing them that there are many different people in the world, and many types of families. But when is the right time to also teach them that there are people in the world who treat each other poorly just because of the color of their […]
Parents talk about “introducing race” to their kids. But kids need no such introduction, it’s already part of their lives. Our job as parents is to make sure it’s available to them. After a week of devastation and depression following the horrible murder of George Floyd, I started seeing on the internet countless articles for […]
Starting 4/22 (Earth Day- and it’s no coincidence) every day for 30 days we’re calling one gay dad who is on the frontline of caring for the world during this COVID-19 crisis and hear about his role in healing our world. Subscribe to our podcast (it’s free!): iTunes/ Apple Android Google Podcasts Spotify YouTube TuneIn […]
Shame, embarrassment, shyness, fear of rejection: these are the components that have been putting me in quarantine long before it was “in fashion.” On the other side of the boxing ring lies the fear of missing out and the desire to have meaningful and true friendships. Who wins this fight? For years I’ve been struggling […]