Australian Gay Dad Shares Foster to Adoption Story

Australian Gay Dad Shares Foster to Adoption Story

Actor Matt Young and his husband Peter are believed to be the first non-biological same-sex male parents to adopt children in the state of New South Wales, Australia. In this guest post, Matt shares with us his foster-to-adopt story. About 5 years into our relationship, my partner and I started thinking about becoming parents.  We […]

The Chicken Whose Dream Almost Got It To End Up In A Noodle Soup

The Chicken Whose Dream Almost Got It To End Up In A Noodle Soup

Gay dad Kyle Ashworth answers homophobic comments on social media with a story about his chicken. A hen whose dream to become a mother realized in a non-traditional way– but didn’t make her less of a mother. (This amazing story also teaches us how great the power of knowing what you want is.) Guest Post […]

3×14 Coming Out AFTER Having Kids

3×14 Coming Out AFTER Having Kids

Coming out after being married to a woman and having kids takes a certain bravery and strength. In this Season Finale we bring you two fascinating and new stories of men who tried to force themselves to live a straight life and eventually came to terms with who they really are.   Kade Bartlett comes from a […]

Tackling Racial Issues in Surrogacy for Gay Men

Tackling Racial Issues in Surrogacy for Gay Men

Married couple Justin and Didier reflect on their thoughts and the challenges they’ve faced on their surrogacy journey as people of color. Justin and Didier started researching family-building about 4 years ago. They attended monthly and annual conferences of Men Having Babies in New York, which has been an invaluable resource for them. “These proved […]

Long Island and Queens: Gay Dads’ Community with The LGBT Network

Long Island and Queens: Gay Dads’ Community with The LGBT Network

One of our goals at Daddy Squared is to help create communities for gay dads and prospective dads. The LGBT Network has been doing exactly that in Long Island and Queens for seven years now. With an amazing number and variety of events for LGBTQ families, and with constant care for the prospective dad community, […]

Frankie and BJ: Raising A Child In An Interfaith Home

Frankie and BJ: Raising A Child In An Interfaith Home

BJ Barone and husband Frankie Nelson from Toronto became unexpectedly famous when their son’s birth photo went viral on social media and led to their story being shared around the world. They later created the website, Family Is About Love, that documents their journey as a same sex family, and also published a children’s book […]

Vic Tellez: Adoption vs. Foster Care; Being A Stay-At-Home Dad

Vic Tellez: Adoption vs. Foster Care; Being A Stay-At-Home Dad

Vicko (Vic) Tellez from New York and husband Kevin adopted daughter Chloe when she was 4 days old. In this article, Vic shares his story and explains the difference between Foster Care and Adoption. Vic also speaks about the decision to quit his job and become a stay-at-home dad, and about facing the fear of […]

Matt Mason: co-parenting with ex-wife and future husband

Matt Mason: co-parenting with ex-wife and future husband

The story of Matt Mason from Wisconsin is very interesting: He was married to his high school sweetheart before coming out as gay, and by the time they decided to separate (in good terms), they’ve already had three kids. How did he come out to his 11-year-old son? and how him and his now fiancé […]