For years I’ve been struggling with friendships. It was never easy for me to “make friends,” and since I arrived in America 11 years ago it’s only become harder. But what I’ve discovered lately is that I’m not alone in this, and it’s not just an immigrant thing. I see gay men who seem to […]
I believe that gay marriage is here to ‘fix marriage.’ I know, it’s a little controversial, and you’ve been hearing me saying this on our podcast, but think about this: for years, we gay men couldn’t get married and had to base our long-term relationships on the daily question of ‘do I want to be […]
Awkward silences, frequent “jokes” and cynicism for each other – and lack of sex can be signs for a couple to seek therapy. And when you have kids, the distance can be amplified since work/kids take all the focus off of the relationship. As avid couples therapy fans, we turned to Ken Howard, a therapist […]
Marriage Equality means Divorce Equality. Although it’s not being talked about a lot, sometimes things just don’t work out and you have to break up your marriage. We asked journalist and author Steven Petrow, who often writes LGBT educational editorials in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and a gay divorced man, to […]
Daddy Squared is playing matchmaker: When you are a single dad, it seem almost impossible to find time for dating. In this episode we tried to explore the (potential) love life of single gay dads, with Daniel Vandenbark, a divorcee and a single dad of a 7-year-old, who spoke candidly with us in the studio, […]
How do you raise kids with dads from separate faith backgrounds? Interfaith relationships are not uncommon in the gay community, and with the ‘gaybies’ explosion, some couples choose to raise their kids with awareness of both partners’ religious backgrounds. We spoke to Ferd and Brian, fathers, husbands, and founders of about religion and faith, […]
Daddy Square is a new weekly podcast for and by gay dads, joining the successful blog of the same name. Coming to you from West Hollywood, and premiering September 17 2018, Yan Dekel, an independent web designer, and Alex Maghen, SVP Technology at Warner Bros., are a married couple with 3-year-old twins. In each episode […]
Parenting is hard. It’s so hard that from work to kids (to gym) to sleep you can’t believe how fast the week has gone by and you did nothing but slave away at what can feel like an endless routine. Remember when we had friends? Especially friends who didn’t have kids? Remember sitting around talking […]