Many gay dads let us peek into their lives on Instragram. This is a good way to get a sense of what’s it like being a gay dad in various parts of the world. We’re all a community, and visibility is oh so important! Are you and your city on the gay dads map?! USA […]
The (damn) Polar Vortex brought with it the cold season, and as a recovering hypochondriac I started researching alternative medicines. As my research progressed I found myself going over fruit’s and vegetables’ nutritional qualities – but I was far more intrigued by what I read about fruit… because they are so yummy. I couldn’t help […]
They call this age the “Terrible Twos” and having two of this is like… I have a problem. I always look around at other parents, wondering how come they seem to know exactly what to do with their kids, so effortlessly, while I’m struggling to not go out of the house each morning looking like […]
The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads: Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask by Eric Rosswood Having a kid is like coming out all over again, on a daily basis, especial if you have an infant. Was coming out stressful for you? It’s about to get more intense […]
“You need this and this and that,” “You MUST have this,” and all sorts of recommendations from friends before we brought our babies home sent Alex and me on a 2-week shopping spree, spending hundreds of dollars, as if we were just about to bring home another spoiled Kardashian kid (and as if we had […]
The purpose of this list is to help you navigate the enormous amount of suggestions coming from everywhere. When you bring home your first kid it’s sometimes hard to predict what you’ll actually need and what not, so the info below is gathered from dads who have already done this, and look at what they […]